Porno Blogs |
 | - The Milkmans Book. The milkman bring us not only milk, now he also makes a selection of galleries and links, all without pop-ups, or gimmicks. RECOMMENDED. |
 | - Sexy and Funny. Title cannot be more explicit in few words: Videos, animations and enterteining and spicy games, updated very often. Amusement for not the whole family. :-P |
 | - Your Dirty Mind. Quoting Oscar Wilde, "A dirty mind is joy forever", so we couldn't help making your thoughts dirty with this quality erotic weblog. |
 | - Pussycalor. From the creators of Amables: one of the most selected current erotic weblogs, carefully designed, in two languages, so as nobody misses a single detail. |
 | - WTF? People. One of our favourite weblogs: funny design and a big daily link selection, with hours of entertaining, guaranteed. |
 | - Eros Blog. Diversified, profound site, which invites us to think about our own sexuality as well as other's, and shows things other websites don't. Pretty mystic and all. |
 | - Petardas. Superfamous Spanish megasite, packed with daily classified galleries, interesting links and a lot of little funny things, which won't let you bore even if you want to. |
 | - Al Rincón. Only for bad boys! All that you need for have a happy day is here. Must visit it! xD |
 | - Yonkis. Junkie stuff from the Net, updated daily. Videos, photos, games and all the news in a site different from all you've seen. |
 | - Xlandia. From South Spain from the rest of the of the World, one of the best sites that your little friend can find. It's really packed with videos, galleries and links. Only daily updated quality! |
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